Alexia Bartholomew


Alexia Bartholomew

Alexia Bartholomew

Christian Nonfiction

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  • Member Since

    Mar 2021

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    18 September

  • Profession

    Author, Writer


Alexia Bartholomew was born in Los Angeles, California in 1980. Ever since her transition into this unique life, she has walked the road of not just as a woman, but as an solider who served in the United States Army for seven years that including serving overseas in Iraq and recently graduating from Wayland Baptist University with a Bachelor Degree in Applied Science. Her gift of writing was not fully blossoming until 2009 when she wrote a poem called "I Am Eagle, Watch Me Soar." This poem was a personal anthem not just to encourage herself but for others that have overcome adversities such as abuse, rejection, disappointments and abandonment. Despite the trauma and negative experiences in her childhood and her early adult life, she has been able to bounce back and continually pressing on to greatness. She has written poems such as " I Am, I Can Never Say That God Don't Love Me, I Surrender to Your Presence and Character." Even though it may seem to some people that she is a late bloomer because of her age, but according to God's timetable, it is on time. She enjoys traveling to different places domestic and abroad learning different cultures and delights in great food ( except for pig feet). "Father, Give Me The Heart" is her first book to come forth this year and is always desiring to be a blessing to others whether by her words or her actions.


Author/Writer Alexia Bartholomew

Alexia Bartholomew Books

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